Welcome to EST332!
Thank you for visiting our store where every member who joins becomes part of the EST332 family! We all share a common journey through life together and our mission is to help everyone understand the immense and often untapped power of the universal. Our goal is to help every person who visits our site by teaching them the power of the universal laws of attraction and humanity.
These universal laws transcend age, gender, race, creed and all religion. Our hope is to enlighten every visitor that there are fundamental universal laws which govern all of humanity. Man's attempt of using these laws to gain power over people is in fact the base of every religion, legal system and civilization throughout time and history. Only by acknoledging the higher power that governs our entire universe and understanding the universal laws that guide the flow of every action can we harness the power of the universe. While this might at first seem like nonesense or the beginings of a cult we ask you to be open to what we have to offer our members. Our store is much more than just another luxury brand, it is a way of life that taps into the power of the universe. While at first glance you may think this confilcts with your current understanding of religion or values please trust that we can promise that our philosophy is the base of all of humanity. Only by stripping away the labels and rules constructed by flawed humans can we begin to see the power of harnessing the flow of the universe.
While this may seem outrageous that an e-commerce store is based on tapping into such deep topics we hope to help every member understand that they are not alone in their journey and that you may have just stumbled upon what you have been looking for your entire life. We offer products and services that bring acceptance, love, kindness and joy into your life. Every product is designed to help our members learn how to harness the power of the universe to attract the things they desire the most in their lives.
EST332 is a new brand so please be patient as we grow our roots. Our goal is to make your day a little easier, renew hope, remove the burden of guilt, anger and lonliness by helping teach you how to harness the power of the universe.
The goods and services we offer are carefully curated and designed by local artists. Once you have become a member and can demonstrate that you understand our philosophy we invite you to contribute to our community in any way possible. If you are an artist who understands how to tap into the universal laws of attraction and humanity then we invite you to share your product ideas and designs with us. If you already have an audience of followers then we will most likely accept your concepts or product ideas and help you offer your creative energy become part of our product line. Our prices are established so that every artist is paid equitably.
EST332 does not compete on price so that the hard working artists who created these designs are well compensated and a minimum of 20% of the proceeds goes back to the community.
One of the fundamental universal laws attracting prosperity is to give back to the community. In every religion tithing is a fundamental element and in modern business practices most successful businesses have a policy of giving back to the community. Giving back a percentage of income is a fundamental law of attracting prosperity. EST332 observes this universal law by dedicating 20% of the proceeds of every sale to fund our long term goal of launching SuperPheonix.org.
So if you question why an EST332 piece of art or even something as simple as a T-Shirt seems more expensive than it would cost on a website like Amazon understand that every price compensates the artist who created the piece and donates a minimum of 20% of the proceeds to SuperPhoenix.org. So when you are wearing something with the EST332 label people know that you understand the value of giving back to the community.
SuperPhoenix.org is an extension of the EST332 society which offers fundamental educational courses to at risk teens. In particular we focus on helping teens who have been rejected by their families or lost their parents and do not have any support system. We know from past experience when anyone helps these kids by teaching them the fundamentals of sucess it changes the direction of their lives. Recently we had a 10 year reunion of the first workshop we held to help homeless teens and three established artists came forward and told us that our 3 day contribution and some follow up mentoring changed their lives and was the sole reason they were able to escape the downward spiral they were trapped into after being kicked out of their homes because their parents discovered they were gay, trans or otherwise rejected by their family. We discovered that just by extending our help, offering these kids acceptance and teaching them that if they were willing to put in the work, know their own self worth enough to overcome rejections that ultimately with time and guidance they would find the success that they had only dreamed of before. The success stories of these teens who had no future ultimately evolved into the EST332 brand. So it is only appropriate that EST332 dedicate profits to help these kids who's sucess was the foundation of our entire brand.
EST332 is a brand that is dedicated to helping others learn the original source of weath rooted in harnessing the power from following, living and teaching the universal laws of attraction and humanity.
When you make a purchase or share your support of the EST332 brand philosophy it is the first step in tapping into the power of the universe. When we learn to flow with the universe our lives become much easier, with less stress and what others often refer to 10x results. Tapping into the universal power will always set your life on a path to properity, acceptance, abundance, wealth and joy.
If you have a problem we promise to resolve it as best as possible. Our goal is to help others so we promise that we will help you in any way possible with your purchase. We hope that the store and our message help you connect and tap into the power of universal attraction. Universal laws go beyond culture, skin color, sex and age. Universal laws are the flow of energy throughout the universe. These existed before mankind, before religion and before the world was broken. Universal rules are the thing that guide us all and if we calm ourselves and tap into the Universe we can find the power of connection and attraction. EST332's primary mission is to help people realize these universal laws of attraction and humanity, tap into the strength behind them and manifest your own divine path.
If you have ever felt alone, like your life feels like treading water in an endless ocean or trying to swim upstream then you have found your life boat. EST332 will help you realize that you are not alone, you are worthy of love and success and instead of swimming upstream and fighting every day to exist you will soon learn to swim with the full force of the currents of the universe. Life will start to make sense and eventually you will find the universe will unlock abundance with an almost effortless path. When you do hit hard times we hope to give you the tools to navigate the perils, stress and hardships of life with ease. While we can't promise you life will be perfect for the first time you will see the beauty of life and find your own divine path.
We hope you will listen to the signals of your inner creative self and follow our store and be open to the message of our store, membership and the message every product brings to your life. Our goal is to help you tap into the power of the Universe.
Every day we can choose to take a step in the right direction or fall back two steps getting lost. It is our goal to help you find the right path which will lead to abundance, prosperity, peace, love and joy.
Please be patient while we build our community. EST332 is a new brand that has been in the works for over 20 years but its roots go back to ancient times when humanity was born. Today take your first step in the right direction. Subscribe to our mailing list and we will begin sending you daily affirmations that will help you begin to understand the true power of the universe.
EST332 isn't a religion, nor a cult, we are a business investing in the future of humanity one person at a time.
Today commit one random act of kindness to a total stranger and then to someone you know and love.
Welcome to our community. Today is the first day of your new life.
Aloha A Hui Hou